kinta's Blog

Qtcreator o Kdevelop en lugar de IDE Arduino

Sin querer menospreciar el trabajo hecho por los desarrolladores de la IDE de Arduino, ha llegado a un punto en que aprecio cierta ayuda(por ejemplo resaltado de sintaxis, autocompletar, monitoraje del puerto serie por otros programas...) cuando edito o construyo un proyecto de arduino o esp8266.
Después de pasar por platformio, geany, e instalar otras IDE's (no hay muchas), he decidido ir a lo que más uso: vim, qtcreator o kate (kdevelop),  y ver que formas tengo para poder editar proyectos de arduino.

La forma más estable y que puede aumentar la productividad es vía GNU-Make, gracias al proyecto Arduino-Makefile podemos subir programas a placas arduino.

Clonamos el repositorio en la carpeta de ficheros de arduino:

cd /usr/share/arduino/

git clone

Para usarlo debemos definir algunas variables de entorno, las podemos poner en ~.bashrc o escribir un ejecutable en /usr/local/bin/ que llamaremos cuando queramos definir las variables.

Managing multiple drupals (7 and 8, composer and drush)

Most drupal projects that we have created at communia require maintenance, and when the number of projects to mantain grow, a strategy is needed to carry out mass actions such as modules or libraries installation, upgrades, cleaning of caches or registries to monitor.

Until version 8, drush allowed to create alias and group them together to perform operations by group. For example, an @autoup group could be created that allowed updating the drupals that were known to have had no reason at all to give bugs in the update.

Managing multiple drupals (7 and 8, composer and drush)

Most drupal projects that we have created at communia require maintenance, and when the number of projects to mantain grow, a strategy is needed to carry out mass actions such as modules or libraries installation, upgrades, cleaning of caches or registries to monitor.

Until version 8, drush allowed to create alias and group them together to perform operations by group. For example, an @autoup group could be created that allowed updating the drupals that were known to have had no reason at all to give bugs in the update.

Managing multiple drupals (7 and 8, composer and drush)

Most drupal projects that we have created at communia require maintenance, and when the number of projects to mantain grow, a strategy is needed to carry out mass actions such as modules or libraries installation, upgrades, cleaning of caches or registries to monitor.

Until version 8, drush allowed to create alias and group them together to perform operations by group. For example, an @autoup group could be created that allowed updating the drupals that were known to have had no reason at all to give bugs in the update.

Linkback module tagged alpha

The Linkback module(background information) for Drupal 8 has been tagged alpha today!  here a good intro about it written by HongPong. We've done a lot of work to get there!

Note for alpha1 release:

We are proud to bring you the first alpha release of Linkback, an interesting suite of modules which can help integrate your website with the wider internet. Linkback provides the backend functionality to save both outgoing and incoming pings and webmentions involving remote sites.

This first release focuses on a robust, spam resistant and fault tolerant approach to processing and storing Linkbacks as Drupal entities, which provides a standardized and efficient storage structure that can be easily queried and extended. (Anyone interested in improving the theming is invited to file an issue or share code with us :) More information about the functions in the Linkback suite is in and the files inside each child module.

Exposició Diàleg entre noves economies: present i futur. Trobades i diferències. Economia col·laborativa, ESS i procomuns

El següent text és el contingut amb el que he contribuït, a la xerrada "Diàleg entre noves economies: present i futur. Trobades i diferències. Economia col·laborativa, ESS i procomuns" En el marc de la tercera edició de Terrassa Cooperativa organitzada pel servei d'Emprendoria i Economia social de l'Ajuntament de Terrassa. Intentant fer una breu explicació del context i repassant models amb la seva relació amb el coneixement, així com fent proposta per la autosostenibilitat i el futur cooperatiu. L'exposició és un hackeig de diferents fonts, bona part dels crèdits i els mèrits de la teoria són per las indias, també  p2p foundation, també hi ha fragments del confidencial, ctxt, nuevocurso, bbc, c4ss, kevin carson, i tants d'altres gegants sobre els quals podem veure-hi més lluny, gràcies a tots.

Enlaces desde telegram

Actualización junio 2020: si buscas como pasar enlaces desde un grupo te recomendamos que valores usar redes de , son más seguras, y libres. Además hemos desarrollado las mismas funcionalidades que se explican en este post. Mas información en enlaces-desde-matrix . Aviso hecho...



Con la expansión del uso de telefónos con Android o IOS, la existencia del cliente de mensajería whatsapp ha ido creciendo, ya hace tiempo le salió Telegram como competidor serio, es considerablemente mejor en cuanto a funcionalidades, no tanto por la seguridad, como se rumorea.

Fabkids 16/17, revisió i plantejaments

S'acosta el final de la temporada 16-17 de fabkids al fablab de Terrassa, i toca començar a pensar en revisar com ha anat i a plantejar el curs vinent. 

Aquest curs ens hem ocupat de dos grups, posant la frontera en els 10 anys per dividir el grup. Bàsicament dividint segons capacitats lògiques ja que ens ha anat bé partir de diferents activitats i a diferents ritmes. 

Enguany, com a fil argumental seguim amb els continguts que bq posa a la nostra disposició, el robot renacuajo dóna molt joc, es poden crear circuits, que segueixin la llum, afegir-li accessoris, i fer-ne de nous amb la impressora 3d.

Launching Tiny tiny rss and Pocket client for Plasma 5

Managing the sources you are informed of will determine the "press" you are going to read in your daily life, which sections and topics, which authors, columnists ... will ultimately shape you as editor of yourself. To maintain autonomy, and not depend on third parties and the economic viability of news providers, often linked to advertising, there is some software that can help us.

Launching Tiny tiny rss and Pocket client for Plasma 5

Managing the sources you are informed of will determine the "press" you are going to read in your daily life, which sections and topics, which authors, columnists ... will ultimately shape you as editor of yourself. To maintain autonomy, and not depend on third parties and the economic viability of news providers, often linked to advertising, there is some software that can help us.

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