
Launching Tiny tiny rss and Pocket client for Plasma 5

Managing the sources you are informed of will determine the "press" you are going to read in your daily life, which sections and topics, which authors, columnists ... will ultimately shape you as editor of yourself. To maintain autonomy, and not depend on third parties and the economic viability of news providers, often linked to advertising, there is some software that can help us.

Google reader mort, RSS viu

Google no troba sentit a seguir actuant com a centre de continguts externs en format rss, un moment crucial per veure si el públic que l'usava actuarà com s'espera que ha d'actuar. Segons el director de Notícies de google Richard Gringras, la “cultura" en com es consumeix informació ha canviat i s'acosta al consum constant:

As a culture we have moved into a realm where the consumption of news is a near-constant process. Users with smartphones and tablets are consuming news in bits and bites throughout the course of the day – replacing the old standard behaviors of news consumption over breakfast along with a leisurely read at the end of the day"

Tècnicament, no s'acaba d'entendre la relació i sembla que el director parli més aviat de diaris i no de feeds de blogs ja que la subscripció a 150 llocs poden generar un flux constant de converses per llegir i a on interactuar. El protocol no és el problema, ja que admetria de sobres el trànsit de notícies i converses, de fet ja ho fa però de forma distribuïda, no com li agrada al sector financer.

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