Many teams are using digital asset manager to power up their workflow. The split of teams being they commercial, marketing, graphical design, or editors and publishers, if not a requirement, may be recommended. So a paper writer, a graphical designer or a video maker, can find a common place where interchange and sharing happens.
The place where the work happens, often called a cloud, needs to be deeply connected to desktop or simply considered as a virtual office. It depends on the way of working, the tasks realized, the device used... Anyway, it's a fact that a split of the digital publishing from the digital asset store may be an improvement of the workflow. Something like a drive, a box or a cloud connected to a place where it is deployed, published, and shared. Acquia is doing with Widen, bynder offers it, Google does it in his sile, as microsoft or amazon. But for privacy, legal compliance, self-defense, or some good reasons found in drupal open web manifesto, and Nextcloud sites, we need that our work, data and connections are being made in safe places, outside of the silos. The self-hosting projects, the diy'ers, the communers, or the people who believe in common sharing can enjoy of this workflow power up out of the market. Let's make it work.
Talking about the technologies that are used by now, there are good, bad and ugly options. Among them, we have reasons to choose nextcloud as digital asset manager, and drupal as publishing and content manager. We trust these in projects because of their work, how they consider privacy, how they define ethical tech, and how they power up projects through free software. That's why we love to fill the gap between drupal and nextcloud. We are using both every time and everywhere, and we think that communities will enjoy the collaboration and integration between them.
Here at we make first steps, bringing easy authentication for nextcloud users to log in to drupal sites, with social auth nextcloud, and allowing use of nextcloud media source from drupal with nextcloud dam.
Despite is a work in progress, a minimal viable work is done, so let's discuss on how we can make it better right now. There's a list on my mind: a better filepicker with search capabilities, licenses manager in nextcloud, group sharing and sync them between drupal/nextcloud... We'll like to read how do you think that it could grow, and work together. Doors are open so you are welcome to contribute.