Linkback module tagged alpha
The Linkback module(background information) for Drupal 8 has been tagged alpha today! here a good intro about it written by HongPong. We've done a lot of work to get there!
Note for alpha1 release:
We are proud to bring you the first alpha release of Linkback, an interesting suite of modules which can help integrate your website with the wider internet. Linkback provides the backend functionality to save both outgoing and incoming pings and webmentions involving remote sites.
This first release focuses on a robust, spam resistant and fault tolerant approach to processing and storing Linkbacks as Drupal entities, which provides a standardized and efficient storage structure that can be easily queried and extended. (Anyone interested in improving the theming is invited to file an issue or share code with us :) More information about the functions in the Linkback suite is in and the files inside each child module.